Gain insights on:
Key drivers for going digital and making your website a sales channel
Understand technology and business challenges, opportunities, stakeholder analysis
Learn traditional and latest “growth” centric design models for website
Execution Ideas – How can MarkiTech help with your success in 2016?
[/ps_featured_icon][ps_featured_icon title=”Learn what is Internet of things (IOT) and how can it benefit your business?” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
In this webinar we help define IOT, understand challenges and opportunities, make it relevant with case studies & real benefits, help bring the entire ecosystem together across big data, cloud, IOT and Mobility
[/ps_featured_icon][ps_featured_icon title=”Become a Digital Marketing Wizard” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Simplify what is digital marketing, why should you care about it, key to creating awesome online content, nuggets on creating a digital marketing plan for approval with your boss and help with ROI question and then some case studies
[/ps_featured_icon][ps_featured_icon title=”Highlights from Mobile World Congress 2015″ box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Learn about the latest technology opportunities and trends prevalent in 2015-16 and whether your company is aligned with these global priorities.
[/ps_featured_icon][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Infographics” tab_id=”1443691410171-4-2″ ps_animation=”fadeIn” icon=”icon-insertpiechart”][ps_featured_icon title=”The Internet of Things (IoT)” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
1. Understand how can your business use IoT.
2. Access diagrams that easily sum up what IoT is all about
3. Understand the nine areas where IoT is currently creating value
4. Get a step-by-step guide on how you can scale IoT for your business
[/ps_featured_icon][ps_featured_icon title=”How to use Social Media for B2B Marketing ” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Social Media has become an important part of B2B Marketing. 92% of business owners say that increased exposure to content is the number one benefit of social media. Use our step-by-step guide to help steer your next social media campaign.
[/ps_featured_icon][ps_featured_icon title=”State of the Industry: ICT in Canada” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
This infographic captures the latest market research and forecast data on Canada’s ICT industry this year.
It will help organizations to:
Identify key market trends and opportunities
Track current policy and industry developments
Plan strategically and manage risks
[/ps_featured_icon][ps_featured_icon title=”15 Questions ICTs Must Ask Before Launching a Content Marketing Campaign” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Digital Media and Marketing are here to stay. Every company is realising the importance of content marketing but before you jump onto the band wagon, MarkiTech has compiled a list of must-ask questions that need to be answered, in order to launch an effective campaign.
[/ps_featured_icon][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Whitepapers” tab_id=”1431431020-2-79″ ps_animation=”noAnimation” icon=”icon-rectangle”][ps_featured_icon title=”Complimenting Sales with Marketing Whitepaper” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Learn about how you can strengthen your sales approach with a complimentary marketing team and inbound strategy.
[/ps_featured_icon][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Ebooks” tab_id=”1447843879005-5-6″ ps_animation=”noAnimation” icon=”icon-bookalt”][ps_featured_icon title=”Branching into Mobile Marketing – 3 immediate benefits for a Marketer” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Desktop and other forms of marketing will remain important in the near future but mobile is fast becoming a channel of significant use for research and instant decision making. Marketers need to be prepared for this second wave.Read on to find out how you can leverage the power of Mobile Marketing as it grows in popularity.
[/ps_featured_icon][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Presentations” tab_id=”1431431119186-2-6″ ps_animation=”fadeIn” icon=”icon-presentation”][ps_featured_icon title=”Tips on Entering the North American Market” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Entering the North American market can be challenging. Use these insights to maximize your company’s potential for success.
[/ps_featured_icon][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Events List” tab_id=”1433166138698-3-0″ ps_animation=”noAnimation” icon=”icon-antenna”][ps_featured_icon title=”Technology Events for March” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Never miss a networking opportunity. Get a complete list of all the Technology Events scheduled for March 16, here in GTA (Toronto).
[/ps_featured_icon][ps_featured_icon title=”Technology Events for February” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Never miss a networking opportunity. Get a complete list of all the Technology Events scheduled for February 16, here in GTA (Toronto).
[/ps_featured_icon][ps_featured_icon title=”Technology Events for January” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Never miss a networking opportunity. Get a complete list of all the Technology Events scheduled for January 16, here in GTA (Toronto).
[/ps_featured_icon][ps_featured_icon title=”Technology Events for December” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Never miss a networking opportunity. Get a complete list of all the Technology Events scheduled for December 15, here in GTA (Toronto).
[/ps_featured_icon][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Research” tab_id=”1448013069923-6-8″ ps_animation=”noAnimation” icon=”icon-book”][ps_featured_icon title=”Global / Canadian Mobile Phone Accessories Analysis & Recommendations ” box_type=”special” size=”small” align=”center” shape=”no-shape”]
Learn the Top 3 reasons why every retailer that deals with mobile phones wants a pie of the rapidly flourishing mobile phone accessories segment.