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What is Cloud Computing?

Process of storing data at a remote location online. 

History of Cloud Computing

  • The term “cloud” was originally linked to the concept of distributed computing, 
  • Invented by Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider in the 1960s during his work on ARPANET.
  • Used to connect people and data from anywhere at any time. 

Types of cloud computing

Saas(Software as a Service): For Customers

  • Runs and is managed by a software provider.
  • Don’t have to worry about how the service is maintained, backed up, scalability and availability.
  • E.g. Salesforce, Gmail, Office 365 


Paas(Platform as a Service): For Developers

  • Focus on deployment and management of your apps
  • Don’t have to worry about configuration, provisioning, or understanding the hardware or OS
  • E.g. Heroku, Google App Engine, Database as a service


Iaas(Infrastructure as a Service): For Administrators

  • Basic building block of cloud infrastructure.
  • Access the networking, compute and storage.
  • Don’t worry about the IT staff, Data centers and hardware.
  • E.g. Azure Compute, AWS EC2, Oracle infrastructure cloud


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Types of clouds


  • Located On-Premise
  • Resources are used by one business or organizations
  • Private for a specific organization
  • Security sensitive and business-critical operations.  


  • Physical server, storage, networking, etc. are procured and owned by Cloud Service Providers.
  • Most commonly used type of cloud.
  • Anyone can use the public cloud, individual or an organization
  • Benefits: Pay as you go, no maintenance, highly scalable, highly reliable


  • Combination of private and public cloud


Benefits of Cloud Computing

  • Pay as you go
  • Rapid provisioning
  • Only pay for the service you are using
  • Reduce infrastructure cost
  • Increased Scalability and Availability
  • Affordability


Loss of cloud data or services

  • Due to loss of internet connectivity
  • The server is down (SLA’s: provide you with compensation)

Data Security

  • Dependent on cloud service providers for security.
  • Data is as secure as your cloud service provider.

Compliance and Legal risks

  • Dependent on Cloud service providers to adhere to local and international regulations like GDPR compliance

Cost Concerns

  • Sometimes the cost of service increases the estimated cost. Always use cost calculators provided by AWS, MS Azure and Google cloud platforms. 

via: Rawpixel


Today’s World and Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a huge success in today’s IT market. Small and medium businesses can benefit from the service as it is affordable, you only pay for what you use. You don’t need to invest in infrastructure, physical security, hardware, IT personnel, and maintenance. You can do your cost estimation using a cost calculator and you can go from there. Even large-scale organizations prefer storing data in the cloud.  

               Small, Medium businesses in today’s era are born in the cloud by utilizing cloud services provided by cloud vendors like AWS, Azure, Google, etc. This saves them large capital investments and FTE sources to stand up their IT services and just concentrate on their business needs, functional aspects, and application enhancements.

Who are we at MarkiTech.AI?

At MarkiTech.AI – we are your ideal partners to discuss your data problems and what is the art of the future of solving major challenges.

                     MarkiTech.AI, a top AI development company in healthcare, is on a mission to innovate healthcare one project at a time for payers, providers, and end-users. We have completed 40+ HIPAA-compliant projects in healthcare and we are experts in AI / Machine learning with 35+ engineers, data scientists & health care experts.

                 We would like to offer FREE digital transformational consultancy via our Fractional CTO team of highly experienced individuals and understand your unique technology challenges and see if there is a potential fit.

                   Book a free consultation today to see how can help digitally transform your business at

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#cloud, #cloudcomputing, #AI, #hybrid, #saas, #Software