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Medically Reviewed: Dr Hanif Chattur 

Image Credit: Canva

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing many areas, & healthcare is one of them It simulates how humans think, using machines — mostly computers — to bring new ideas & improve results in the healthcare field. In this blog, we’ll dive into what AI tech in healthcare really means, how it operates, & the big difference it’s making in the industry.

Understanding AI Technology

AI includes lots of different technologies that help machines act like people. Here are some key ones:

  • Expert Systems: These are AI programs that use expert knowledge databases to give advice or make decisions, like in medical diagnoses.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): This tech lets machines grasp & understand human language. So now, computers can read, understand, & respond to spoken or written words.
  • Speech Recognition: Nowadays, AI can change spoken language into text. This makes voice control & dictation super handy.
  • Machine Vision: This means AI can interpret & make sense of visual info using cameras and special algorithms.

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The Hype and Reality of AI Tech in Healthcare

With all the buzz about AI, many companies say their products use it. But a lot of these claims just point to already known technologies like machine learning. Real AI needs special hardware and software to develop & train machine learning algorithms. Popular programming languages for working on AI include Python, R, Java, C++, and Julia.

How AI Works

AI systems work by taking in tons of labeled training data, looking for patterns & connections, then using those patterns for predictions about what might happen next. Here’s how it usually goes:

Data Collection and Labeling: Huge piles of data get collected & labeled to give context to the AI.

Model Training: The data helps train AI algorithms to spot patterns and make choices.

Pattern Recognition: The AI checks out new data based on what it has learned before.

Prediction and Decision Making: Finally, using what it analyzed, the AI makes predictions or decisions.

Applications of AI tech in Healthcare: AI tech is popping up all over healthcare and really shaking things up :

Diagnosis and Treatment Recommendations AI can look at medical info & suggest diagnoses or treatment options . For instance, IBM’s Watson for Health helps doctors analyze huge amounts of data for smarter clinical decisions.

Personalized Medicine AI looks at everything from genetic details to lifestyle choices to create treatment plans just right for each patient.

Predictive Analytics With predictive analytics powered by AI, we can spot possible disease outbreaks & predict how patients will do over time.

Operational Efficiency AI helps hospitals run smooth by predicting patient admissions, juggling staff schedules, and managing inventories — all leading to less spending & better patient care.

Robotic Surgery Thanks to AI-powered robotic systems, complex surgeries can be done with amazing precision — sometimes better than humans can do! This can cut down recovery times & surgical risks giving a lead to AI tech in healthcare and diagnosis.

The Future of AI tech in Healthcare 

There’s so much potential ahead for AI in healthcare! With every new breakthrough comes even cooler applications on the horizon—from speeding up drug development processes to offering mental health support through chatbots powered by AI.

AI technology isn’t just something we’ll see in the future; it’s already here now! It’s reshaping healthcare by supporting accurate diagnoses, creating personalized treatments, predicting outcomes based on analytics, & boosting hospital efficiency. As this tech keeps advancing, its role in healthcare is gonna grow even bigger—leading to better results for patients as well as a smoother-running healthcare system.

Want more insights on how AI tech is changing healthcare? Check out — we dig into the latest trends & innovations happening in the world of AI technology !


AI tech in healthcare isn’t just some far-off dream. It’s a real thing, changing the way the industry works right now. By mimicking human intelligence, AI helps doctors make more precise diagnoses, create tailored treatments, and even predict health trends. Plus, it makes hospital operations run smoother & faster. As this technology keeps moving forward, we can expect to further enhance patient care and boost the efficiency the whole healthcare system. Want to know more about how AI is shaking things up in healthcare? Check out We dive into the newest trends & innovations of AI tech in healthcare !

ai tech

MarkiTech. has various subsidiaries with products and services targeted towards digital healthcare and telehealth/telemedicine and virtual clinics with a laser focus on helping seniors age in place and help their caregivers. is a company focused on remote patient monitoring and aging solutions, which utilizes artificial intelligence to track the health of patients and keep a round-the-clock connection between caregivers and patients.

As well, Veyetals uses PPG and AI modeling algorithms to capture the light reflected by the blood vessels under a patient’s skin to measure vitals anytime, anywhere.

Lastly, we have now launched our latest Mental Health AI Scribe tool called