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Back in 1999, the tech futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted that by the year 2019, human life expectancy would be over 100 years old. Not only that, but nanobots and computerized health monitors would handle the bulk of medicine. Such wide-eyed predictions aren’t new. In 1957, Popular Mechanics prophesied the end of hearing and visual impairments by 2020. Yet, for all the innovations from artificial intelligence in healthcare, this vision never came to pass.

Perhaps, they were just another futuristic fantasy to be shelved alongside flying cars and robot butlers. But there may be a deeper problem here.

We’re simply not adopting tech innovations fast enough. The structure of the modern system is slowing the pace of change. For the best AI development companies in healthcare, that’s a mounting challenge.

So, what exactly is holding up progress?



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1. Progress must be slow

There’s an old saying: progress is a game of inches. It means that sudden, rapid advancements aren’t critical. Rather progress should take place gradually – almost imperceptibly – over time. That’s one of the primary causes of slow tech uptake in healthcare.

New applications for big data or artificial intelligence in medical settings are treated with skepticism. But while medicine drags its feet, patients receive a service that doesn’t make the most of current technology.



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2. Lack of healthcare IT workers

Across US healthcare – and even the world – there’s a chronic shortage of IT workers. In 2013, an analysis found an increasing lack of IT staff – 67% of healthcare CIOs reported shortages. Indeed, 51% of then-healthcare CEOs said they were concerned about the speed of technological change.

Unless more staff can be found, implementing the innovations of even the best AI companies in healthcare will be a challenge.



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3. Poorly treated staff

Even if more IT healthcare staff are hired, working conditions for staff need to change. How can a physician or nurse be expected to keep abreast of the innovations from artificial intelligence in healthcare  and open the path for proactive care when they’re just trying to maintain the current standard of care?

Adding further responsibilities and technologies simply isn’t an option. Not unless we lower the stress and relieve many of the burdens frontline staff faces daily.




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4. Will it work?

That’s the question every hospital wants to know. But progress and innovation are rarely guaranteed. Risk aversion to investment then is a major impediment for many of the best AI companies in healthcare. They need a testing ground for their products. Yet, healthcare institutions are too cautious about adopting them.

The result: innovation stagnates.






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5.  Lack of performance indicators

Even when artificial intelligence in medical settings is given a chance, healthcare organizations often fail to measure its performance. Indeed, it’s a problem across the healthcare sector. Companies regularly promise to improve outcomes – but how can you do so without collecting the data.

Big data and AI approaches could resolve the problem. But they’re never implemented in the first place. It becomes a chicken-and-the-egg situation. To truly harness the power of AI and big data, we’re going to need to give the tech a chance. Whether healthcare organizations will take the risk remains to be seen.





Who are we at MarkiTech.AI?

At MarkiTech.AI – we are your ideal partners to discuss your data problems and what is the art of the future of solving major challenges.

MarkiTech.AI, a top AI development company in healthcare, is on a mission to innovate healthcare one project at a time for payers, providers, and end-users. We have completed 40+ HIPAA-compliant projects in healthcare and we are experts in AI / Machine learning with 35+ engineers, data scientists & health care experts.

We would like to offer FREE digital transformational consultancy via our Fractional CTO team of highly experienced individuals and understand your unique technology challenges and see if there is a potential fit.


Book a free consultation today to see how can help digitally transform your business at


Follow us on LinkedIn at @Markitech for more updates.



Sources: Considerable, Osplabs, CIO, Forbes



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