Source: Cisco predictionsWhat a charming turn of phrase to describe a trend that has the potential for sinister, ubiquitous, paralyzing control of your life or the not so sinister but equally pervasive, liberating revolution in how you live: the Internet of Things...
Written by Nauman Jaffar (excerpts from McKinsey & Co. and personal experiences)One of the significant case study for IOT is the case of connected cars. Within the last one year, I have personally seen new models projecting and promoting connected...
Written by Sachin Mahajan, Director IOT Until and unless you have been hiding under a rock, odds are that you have heard about the fascinating world of IoT and the transformational impact it is going to have on our lives. As more and more consumer companies realize...
Do any of you Sci-Fi buffs out there remember that eighties movie “The Terminator” where the machines were interconnected throughout the planet and decided to take over the world? Well a more subtle version of that type of networking is becoming more of a...
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