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The four “Ps,” Product, Pricing, Promotion, and Place have decided the fate of every ‘cash cow,’ ‘dog,’ ‘star,’ and ‘question mark’ ever brought to life. And ever since the rise of social, viral communities, ‘Promotion’ can now largely take place on the internet. That said, some products have been deemed so great that they “sell themselves.” But how true is that statement in the ever changing face of business and selling? Can you truly rely on a product or service to sell itself?

The answer is you shouldn’t.

To successfully sell a product, service, or idea, a company needs to build reach. One great plus of living in the 21st century is that there are an influx of tools and communities at your disposal to help you. Strategy is of importance – don’t stretch your efforts too thin – but it would be careless to ignore the plethora of social media and digital marketing services available today. Even for B2B experts, a recent IDC study showed that that 75% of the business-to-business (B2B) buyers studied and 84% of C-level/Vice President executives use social media to support purchase decisions. Further details in the study go on to note that social media increases decision-making confidence by providing more efficient access to an executive’s professional network. To put things into perspective, it’s in the final stages of the purchasing process that buyers will refer to their online professional networks and that these networks are “the number one information resource preference” for them.

                 Digital Media Marketing isn’t new, it’s been around and gaining momentum globally. Entrepreneurs, Marketers, and freelancers alike have participated in at least one of these channels to build a following.
Email Marketing
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
PPC (Pay-Per-Click)
Online Advertising
Blogging, RSS, and news feeds
Social Media – you’ve heard of the giants: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest

                  The trick is finding the right one for your business. That’s where we come in. We encourage you to take a look at some of the work we’ve done to see more of how you can tactfully select a channel that will bring you the greatest following. Don’t forget to follow our blog for regular posts on how you can start using social media effectively!
