what do I do now?Last month – I left a lucrative marketing job in a technology company and corporate world behind after almost 17 years work experience across the globe and launching 20+ products. The reactions are mixed. Some congrats, others...
I was reading an interesting article today and thought I would comment with my thoughts on the subject line. The conclusion of the article was that starting a new business is a leap of faith – the article articulates that 99% of new ideas and...
Working for someone and working for yourself require two completely different mindsets. It is like knowing you will get a fish at the end of the each month to eat with your family while the other one is like going out fishing not knowing how many fish will you be...
Thanks to several people for their contribution to this as I summarize my learnings from this session1.Business plan should be a priority2.Take time to get out of the weed – your role should be to lead and not to manage day to day3.Walk before you...
If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs…Tony Gaskin As a serial entrepreneur, I wanted to summarize 5 key things before thinking of becoming an entrepreneur. Based on my personal experience, findings and research, here are...
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