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Content Marketing is the next big thing that companies are using to get traction. As a result of this trend, a plethora of content available online is saturating the market, making it difficult to get the attention you want. However, there are ways around it. By being creative with your content, you can create a niche for yourself and create a loyal following of readers familiar with your voice and style.

Try some of these methods of delivery to shake things up.


Stories resonate with people. They are more likely to be remembered and are much more interesting to read. Tealium (, a leading tag management and unified marketing company used this idea and launched a children’s book called “Taming the Digital Marketing Beast” as a part of its digital marketing campaign. The book describes the adventure of Little Margret who decides to eliminate confusion and sufferings in the land of Marktopia. In order to tame the digital marketing beast, Little Market embarks on a journey with her friends to find the magic Tealium. The journey is challenging and Margret and her friends have to face obstacles like the Signpost of Chaos, Data Liar and the Cloud of Confusion.
It’s a completely new way of delivering a message, not to mention fun and a great attempt at simplifying marketing complexity.



A picture speaks a thousand words. As attention spans shorten, pictures become more communicative than words alone.. Virgin Atlantic’s Instagram gallery speaks for the business and drives audience at the same time. Here are some interesting pictures from their recent post about Tokyo. 2

Virgin Atlantic


Videos are everywhere. They are easily accessible and can viewed in less than five minutes. Videos, with their use of audio, editing and HD fimling help grasp the viewers and keep them engaged for a longer period of time. Callaway Golf makes use of this tool effectively. Its videos (e.g. How to hit a bump and run) on YouTube humors the audience thereby promotinga good brand image and increasing brand awareness.

Whitepaper and Ebooks

Whitepapers promise numerous benefits. It can help generateleads, demonstrate company expertise and build mailing lists. Intellegentsia Coffee launched its coffee brewing training series through a whitepaper for its audience to devour. Viewing the content, one cannot help but appreciate the insights and crave Intellegentsia Coffee.



Slideshare is another useful tool that can communicate company insights, and help develop credibility. The image below is taken from a Slideshare by Eric Schmidt (Google’s Executive Chairman and ex-CEO) and is called “How Google Works”. By walking the audience through his life lessons, his deck conveyed important insights that many business owners could also use for their business. It’s all about sharing expertise, building a reputation and a foundation of credibility.



The use of infographics to deliver content has grown sporadically. Its visual appeal makes content much more interesting than plain text. Take the example of this infographic by Designmatic, a company specializing is logo designing. By demonstrating through pictures, the company delivers a complex message to the audience easily.

Webinars, or a web seminar, is another effective way to interact with your target audience and deliver meaningful content. With audio and visuals, Webinars are more engaging, and for their usage and purpose, are also very cost effective. Ken Blanchard Companies is a successful management training and consulting firm that hosts monthly webinars. The content delivered compliments information found in their publications like “Leading at a Higher Level: Blanchard on Leadership and Creating High Performance Organization”.

             These are just some of the many ways in which organizations have (and can) deliver content creatively. With content marketing on the rise, it is important for organizations to continue experimenting with different techniques to retain the attention of their audience.