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Why high growth businesses need responsive web design to increase online sales and digital marketing presence?

Why high growth businesses need responsive web design to increase online sales and digital marketing presence?

Should a business invest their resources in developing a responsive website or is it equally as effective to have a non-responsive website design – one that costs less and perhaps requires less effort to develop?Spending resources on your website is an important...

5 new strategies – marketing to digital consumer

Today we live in a wired world and need to understand strategies to connect to consumersThe “Wild West” Internet of Everything & Mobile Marketing – strategies to do marketing to digital consumer                I use this cliché advisedly here; it is indeed...

1 simple advice to ace the job hunt using social media – immigrant style (not gangnam style)

Ace the job hunt using social media strategiesWritten by Nauman JaffarI was asked for a job reference today by a consultant (volunteering) in my team who is also a new immigrant.               He quoted my exact words which I had asked a well-wisher “After sending out...

“Millennials” – 6 simple ways to deal with their technology and social media skills

The tech savvy and social media generationGeneration Y; The Boomerangs; The Peter Pan GenerationIf you’re a middle to senior manager – and why wouldn’t you be if you’ve slaved for years under experienced bosses to lean the their business tricks) – chances are you’re...