So! You made that brilliant website like we advised you to over the past few weeks, yummy as a pastry, layers and all. And you proudly displayed it in your shop window through Search Engine Optimisation. But then you got busy with the sales, and there was no one to...
In past blogs, we have met the Millenial, and we have discovered that, with an uninterrupted stream of information flowing in his direction, he/she is spoilt for choice and has a very short attention span. We have also learnt some tricks about riveting that attention...
Darwin’s concept of evolution is not only limited to humans anymore – as search engine algorithms change, modify and evolve, so do SEO techniques. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has long since grown past the rankings game – the search engines are no longer...
What is the purpose of marketing strategies? In the end, it comes down to being able to drive leads, which eventually drivesrevenue. Companies spend millions of dollars developing strategies to maximize their leads and an important component of lead generationhas to...
Why Podcasts? – you wonder. Aside from blogs, podcasts are another very effective strategy used in guerrilla marketing. SalesForce brings to you 5 ways to utilize this oft neglected yet extremely effective marketing tool.Click To Enlarge Via SalesforceWant to...
What better way to start this blog than by quoting from Alvin Toffler’s 1970 book “Future Shock”: “future shock” [is] a way of describing the social paralysis induced by rapid technological change…”. And in defining the components of this “shock”, Toffler...
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