I was reading an interesting article today and thought I would comment with my thoughts on the subject line. The conclusion of the article was that starting a new business is a leap of faith – the article articulates that 99% of new ideas and...
Dated 29th Jan 2014By year 10 I am about to start a journey to kickstart another company – by now I have created my 3rd venture – sold first, parked second and now to my third one….I love it… This blog is a journey that I...
Extracts from Philip Kotler and David Reibstein Do companies still need marketing departments? And if they do, should they focus on the P of promotion (often the case) or be principally responsible for the three other Ps: product, price and place?...
Working for someone and working for yourself require two completely different mindsets. It is like knowing you will get a fish at the end of the each month to eat with your family while the other one is like going out fishing not knowing how many fish will you be...
By John Haltiwanger in StrategyHave you ever thought about how much time you likely waste deciding what to wear in the morning? It’s probably made you late to school or work more times than you can count. We waste so many precious moments concerning...
One of the key learnings from Day 1 at HBS has been the ever growing importance by companies to continue to evaluate, critique, dialogue, discuss, research and evolve their strategy. Strategy needs to be dynamic.Those companies that think that they have a good handle...
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