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Replug: 5 new strategies – marketing to digital consumer

Today we live in a wired world and need to understand strategies to connect to consumersThe “Wild West” Internet of Everything & Mobile Marketing – strategies to do marketing to digital consumer                  I use this cliché advisedly here; it is indeed...

5 new strategies – marketing to digital consumer

Today we live in a wired world and need to understand strategies to connect to consumersThe “Wild West” Internet of Everything & Mobile Marketing – strategies to do marketing to digital consumer                I use this cliché advisedly here; it is indeed...

1 simple advice to ace the job hunt using social media – immigrant style (not gangnam style)

Ace the job hunt using social media strategiesWritten by Nauman JaffarI was asked for a job reference today by a consultant (volunteering) in my team who is also a new immigrant.               He quoted my exact words which I had asked a well-wisher “After sending out...

3 questions to ensure SaaS product marketing success and answer “why my technology product is NOT flying off the shelf”

In simple words, because, without a bit – no, a lot – of help, it’s not supposed to. There’s something seriously wrong with your penetration, commercialization and marketing strategy if you believe your product is so unique that potential clients will be queueing up...

“Millennials” – 6 simple ways to deal with their technology and social media skills

The tech savvy and social media generationGeneration Y; The Boomerangs; The Peter Pan GenerationIf you’re a middle to senior manager – and why wouldn’t you be if you’ve slaved for years under experienced bosses to lean the their business tricks) – chances are you’re...