This blog has been reproduced with the explicit permission of TkXel , MarkiTech‘s technology partner. Written by, Ashar Samdani, Marketing Manager at TkXel Security in Enterprise MobilityVirtually every study that has explored the impediments to enterprise mobility...
Excerpts and graphics taken from: ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Internet of things (IoT) is slowly spreading its wings beyond the home and consumer segments. Asset-heavy industries like agriculture, oil, aviation, manufacturing, mining, utilities and...
Ace the job hunt using social media strategiesWritten by Nauman JaffarI was asked for a job reference today by a consultant (volunteering) in my team who is also a new immigrant.      What he said, echoed my sentiments exactly when I was in his place; “After...
According to Frost and Sullivan, 60% of the world’s population is expected to live in urban environments by 2025. It is expected that around 26 global cities and more than 90 sustainable cities will develop. As a result, people occupying just 2 percent of the world’s...
This blog has been reproduced with the explicit permission of TkXel , MarkiTech‘s technology partner.Written by,Umair Maqsood, Digital Marketing Manager at TkXelGartner, Inc. recently revealed the top 10 technology trends that will strategically prove beneficial...
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