To create or to curate? This is a question that many marketers struggle to answer. Content creation is believed to be the king of inbound marketing. It drives traffic to a company’s website, increases SEO rankings and is instrumental in getting leads. However, it has...
Lead Generation Process using Marketing Automation ToolsThe MarkiTech team has been engaged recently in which marketing automation tool to invest in to its sales and leads generation and closing process. As digital marketing and marketing automation takes of, what...
Have you every had an ulcer feeling before going to work. I am sure most of you would have come across some great leaders and then some very bad leaders…..if you close your eyes and think about how you felt every day while you were with a great leader...
I believe that the holy grail that we have been all looking for (especially those who hit the mid life crises) is built on a solid foundation of your own values. Values are black and white – they don’t have grey areas (actually they do when they are...
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