Should a business invest their resources in developing a responsive website or is it equally as effective to have a non-responsive website design – one that costs less and perhaps requires less effort to develop?Spending resources on your website is an important...
Today we live in a wired world and need to understand strategies to connect to consumersThe “Wild West” Internet of Everything & Mobile Marketing – strategies to do marketing to digital consumer I use this cliché advisedly here; it is indeed...
Source: Cisco predictionsWhat a charming turn of phrase to describe a trend that has the potential for sinister, ubiquitous, paralyzing control of your life or the not so sinister but equally pervasive, liberating revolution in how you live: the Internet of Things...
Reach of various social media tools (Facebook 1Bill, Twitter 241 Mill, LinkedIn 300Mill, Google+ 540 Mill)Whether you are a startup, a growth company or a mature company, and whether you want to sell products, gain subscribers, persuade followers or sway hearts and...
Content Marketing is the next big thing that companies are using to get traction. As a result of this trend, a plethora of content available online is saturating the market, making it difficult to get the attention you want. However, there are ways around it. By being...
To create or to curate? This is a question that many marketers struggle to answer. Content creation is believed to be the king of inbound marketing. It drives traffic to a company’s website, increases SEO rankings and is instrumental in getting leads. However, it has...
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