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3 questions to ensure SaaS product marketing success and answer “why my technology product is NOT flying off the shelf”

In simple words, because, without a bit – no, a lot – of help, it’s not supposed to. There’s something seriously wrong with your penetration, commercialization and marketing strategy if you believe your product is so unique that potential clients will be queueing up...

“Millennials” – 6 simple ways to deal with their technology and social media skills

The tech savvy and social media generationGeneration Y; The Boomerangs; The Peter Pan GenerationIf you’re a middle to senior manager – and why wouldn’t you be if you’ve slaved for years under experienced bosses to lean the their business tricks) – chances are you’re...

Tips for Publishing Your Blog

Table of Contents Toggle 1. Blog Title:2. Keywords, categories, tags and meta description:3. Timing your post:4. Preview:4. Replugging your blog: You are finally done with writing your blog post. It has been proof read and is good to go. The next thing you want to do...

Brand Image, Social Media and Digital Marketing

Table of Contents Toggle First – WHAT Is Brand Image Anyway?WHY Is Social Media So Important and HOW does it impact Brand? Now let us talk about the STRATEGIES TO BUILD A BRAND with social media?Final Thoughts  Reach of various social media tools (Facebook...

B2B and B2C Digital Marketing Compared

Online marketing spend @ B2B companies in 2013 on a steady rise and trend continued in 2014 and 2015 If you’re working in the B2B space, this blog is for you. It will arm you with the data necessary to convince, compel, and persuade skeptical or uninspired colleagues,...